Frequently Asked Questions

If I cannot attend, can I get a refund?

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Are early starts permitted?

There will be one early start at 6:30 a.m., restricted only to marathon walkers who expect to need at least 5 hours, 30 minutes to finish the course. The restrictions on the early start are due in part to limited course support in the early morning, prior to the regular starting time. Anyone who starts early will not be eligible for awards, and early starters with a finishing time under 5:30 will be disqualified. Half marathoners must take the regular 7:45 a.m. start.

Are shower and/or locker rooms facilities available?

Yes, locker rooms and showers are located in the basement of the Sullivan Gymnasium on the USM Campus (site of registration). There is no charge for the use of these facilities. Neither the university nor the Maine Track Club is liable for losses or theft incurred by participants. Locker rooms are for day use only.

Can a friend or family member pick up my race packet?

Yes, but you’ll need to provide a signed note giving someone permission to pick up your packet.

Where can I park?

On race day, parking is allowed in the USM parking garage or any of the university parking lots, in the lots along Marginal Way, in the two small lots on Back Cove and on nearby streets. We strongly recommend that you park in the parking garage or one of the university parking lots off Bedford St., which is the first left-hand turn off Forest Ave. from I-295 Exit 6B. There will be signs for these lots. See our Google maps for more information. Parking is not allowed in the Hannaford Shopping Center parking lot adjacent to the start/finish area.

Where can relay teams park along the course?

Parking instructions for relay transition points are included with the race packets. Please make every attempt to park in these designated locations and avoid parking along the roadway, especially along Route 88 in Falmouth, where runners will be traveling in both directions.

Are there port-a-potties on the course?

Yes, there are port-a-potties at the start/finish line, at Mile 2 on the left, at Mile 5 on the left and at Mile 12 on the right. Runners are also welcome to use the bathroom facilities at Skillin’s (Mile 6, on right) and the Falmouth Foreside fire station (Mile 7.5, on right). Runners will also pass these same locations on their way back to the finish line.

Can I switch from the marathon to the half marathon, or vice versa?

Yes, registered runners may switch events at any time before the race. There is no partial refund for those who switch from the marathon to the half marathon, and those who switch from the half marathon to the marathon will be asked to pay an additional $25 to account for the difference between the two entry fees. To switch events, contact Bob Aube at, or log in to your RunSignUp account.

Is this race a qualifying race for the Boston Marathon?

Yes, both the marathon and half marathon courses are certified, and complete marathon results will be submitted to Boston Marathon officials.

How does the chip timing system work?

Race timing is provided by All Sports Events, using Race|Result disposable bib transponders. This is a disposable chip system in which the timing tag is placed on the back of the bib. Please do not fold your bib, because doing so can break the electrical circuit inside the tag, possibly resulting in your tag not being recognized when you cross the start or finish line. Results will be available live on the internet, and at the venue at touch screen tablets which allow you to print a receipt record showing your time and splits.

What will the weather be like on race day?

The temperature typically ranges from the mid-40s at the start to the upper 50s or lower 60s by the finish. Forecasts can be found on the WMTW-TV website, and information about average climatic conditions can be found at the National Weather Service Web site.

Are walkers allowed in the race?

Yes, walkers are allowed in both the half marathon and the marathon. Course support ends at 2 p.m., however, so an early start at 6 a.m. is available to marathoners who expect to finish in more than 5 1/2 hours. All walkers, even those who start early, will receive an official finishing time unless they violate the restrictions listed above for early starters. However, there is no separate awards category for walkers.

Are wheelchairs allowed?

Yes, wheelchairs are allowed in both the half marathon and the marathon. We also welcome individuals with other physical limitations. We ask that you contact Ron Pelton ( so that we may accommodate your needs in an appropriate fashion.

Are baby strollers allowed?

For safety and insurance reasons, baby strollers are not allowed.

Where are the water stops, and is a sports drink available?

Water and Gatorade (lemon-lime Endurance Formula) will be available at each aid station. The stations are situated approximately every two miles. Each of the aid stations will be in contact with medical personnel so that runners may receive medical assistance if needed.

Where do I go for postrace food and beverages?

Postrace food and beverages will be available on the baseball field for runners only. We ask that you not get food for family and friends so that runners who may finish after you also have the opportunity to replenish themselves.

Spectators will be able to purchase food and beverages at one of several food trucks that will be parked near the finish line on Preble Street. All participants will receive a $3 coupon that can be used at any food truck.

What if I need medical attention?

Medical personnel will be at the finish line and at four locations on the course, and will be roaming the course on bicycles. In addition, each fluid replacement station is in contact with the medical team so that runners can receive medical attention if necessary.

What about the relay race?

Marathon relay teams can be comprised of two, three or four runners. The relay consists of four legs of varying lengths, from 5.7 to 9 miles. Instructions for the relay, including a list of places to park at each exchange point, are included with your race packets. Please park in designated parking areas and not on the side of the road.

Can I leave clothing at the starting line?

There will be a baggage tent near the starting line where you can leave clothing. Clothing left in the gymnasium will be brought to the start/finish area after the race begins. Articles of clothing that are left unclaimed after the race will be donated to a local homeless shelter. The Maine Marathon and Maine Track Club are not liable for any losses or theft that runners may incur.